We are thrilled to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of our work in this subject!

Holm Cultram Abbey
C of E Primary School

Bright Stars

We met Nicola and she helped us with our ideas for Bright stars. She told us all about her business selling fruit and veg. Her business is called the fruit and veg box company. 

Bright Stars is opportunity for budding entrepreneurs to work alongside businesses to develop their own business idea into a fully fledged business raising money for their school and chosen charity.


Our whole class decided to name our business RepurPOSE .  We are planning to raise money by having a wonderful and unique recycling fashion show on the 24th June.  We will be using recycled materials and products including crisp packets. We are also planning to decorate and sell Tote bags to reduce the need for plastic carrier bags.  


It will also include a coffee morning and fruit kebab sale.  


We would love to invite people to come to our fashion show on the 24th June at 9am.  See you there!
