We are thrilled to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of our work in this subject!

Holm Cultram Abbey
C of E Primary School


‘Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.’

J.F. Kennedy



At HCA we understand how information and communication technology is an integral part of the national curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, digital and video cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, interpret, communicate and present information. We recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively. We want the children to be motivated and enjoy the use of different computing equipment and feel a sense of pride and success as they apply new skills learnt. We aim to use different techniques to build up skills as they progress across the school and increase their confidence to use computing equipment independently.


To ensure they children experience high quality computing lessons, we use a two-year rolling program  using long term plans from Purplemash. It details the coverage of each subject in KS1, LKS2 and UKS2. This is supported by the use of a progression of skills document, mapped out for each year group for Years 1 to 6. This ensures planning addresses the national curriculum content for computing, but also shows progression of skills across the school.

