If you would like to find out about a place for your child at our lovely school, phone or email us.

Holm Cultram Abbey
C of E Primary School

Our School Day and Term Dates

Early Birds

We open at 8am each day to provide a breakfast for any children who would like one.  We offer toast, brioche rolls, cereal and milk or fruit juice.  Children come to the front door as usual, and ring the bell if necessary. 

We ask that children try to arrive before 8.20am so that we have to make their breakfast and they can eat it before the start of school.

Our School Day

8.30am - Doors open

8.45am - Registration and lessons begin

12.00pm - Lunchtime (Infants)

12.10pm - Lunchtime (Juniors)

1.00pm - Registration and lesson restart (infants)

1.10pm - Registration and lessons restart (juniors)

3.00pm - School day ends.  


If there are after school clubs, these will finish at 4.00pm unless otherwise notified.


The government have directed that they would like all schools to be open for a minimum of 32.5 hours a week.  We have consulted on this, and will be implementing it in September 2024.

Children wait with their parents outside the front of school until the doors open at 8.30am each morning, unless they are having breakfast with us.  


Children are let out of the front school door or KS2 door at the end of the day or end of afterschool club when parents are seen, unless we are aware that they are a walker.


School staff are not able to supervise children outside of these hours. 
