If you would like to find out about a place for your child at our lovely school, phone or email us.

Holm Cultram Abbey
C of E Primary School

Secondary Schools

Our children leave HCA at 11 years old and move on to their Secondary Education.  We are a feeder school for Solway Community School in Silloth.  Transport is provided to this school from Abbeytown.  We have close links with the school and children undertake lots of transition events during Year 5 and Year 6.  We also link with the other feeder schools to compete in interschool sports competitions.  Solway Community School provides us with sports coaching too.

If you would like more information about the school, follow the link below.

Some children also transfer to Nelson Thomlinson School in Wigton.  Transport is arranged privately from Wigton at a cost.  Please follow the link to their website below.
